Friday, 30 July 2010
Well we broke the sat nav over a 1000 miles ago and had been getting on ok with out it. That was untill we hit the big cities, D.C was the first task and wasn't too much of a problem untill we had to leave. Eventually we found our way out going the right way and tried to find a cheap motel. After about 10 miles and hearing passers by make comments like 'look at dem white boys' as well jumping out from the side walk to try and knock Luke off his bike we decided there was nothing going in our price range, so we decided to cycle through the night... We made it about 3 miles before stopping in a bar. After Lashing it up with some of the locals we set off again, 2 miles down the road we found there was about 5 motels in our price range that every one we asked swore blind didn't exist. As it was now 2am it seemed best that we just cracked on and headed for Baltimore a mere 20 miles down the road. It was in Baltimore that we succumb to fatigue (and beer) and decided to settle down on the nice comfy concrete behind a garage. Only an hour later and we were rudely awoken by a bin wagon and someone moving around in the garage so we gave up on sleep and headed into the centre of Baltimore. It turns out where we stopped was not a nice place! The whole of Baltimore was pretty messed up and the police were dressed up like they were patrolling a war zone. Luckilly my tyres held up and I didn't have to stop to fix punctures. Philladelphia was easy by comparison and it was 2 more days (and one more puncture) before we hit the Atlantic Ocean, at a place called Sandy Hook in the Bay just below New York. Here we dipped our bike tyres in the ocean an congratulated ourselves on a job well done...then we cheated a little. We caught a ferry accross the bay to Manhatten Island By this time we'd had some celebratory drinks which made finding our hostel somewhere in Brooklyn with no sat nav and the wrong kind of map that little bit more interesting. Thats pretty much it though. We left San Diego on the 21st of June and now 3300 miles, 40 days, 18 inner tubes, 5 tyres and 3 hangovers later our journey is complete. We've cycled coast to coast across the states! Thats all folks, thanks for following.
Monday, 26 July 2010
I'm writing to you now 36 days in, on the outskirts of Washington, having rode an average of 100 miles a day for the last 9 days. We are most definately ready to finish this bad boy. Who ever said that riding across the Appalachian Mountains is fun, needs to spend 36 days non stop on my saddle and then re-phrase that. All bad jokes aside it has been some of the most beautiful riding we have done. Why the dramtic start to this blog you may ask?....Well over the next 3 days we will be riding through the west of Phillie and into the bronx of New York and i have a feeling we may stick out like a couple of sore thumbs and may not make it out alive. For all the dog lovers out there you will be glad to hear that Ad's has managed to keep the pepper spray at bay but seems increasingly keen to use it on me, fortunately i'm carrying my own and am also blessed with the lightening reactions of Cheetah. We hope over the next few days to upload some of the wonderful sights of the east coast before signing off for our well deserved rest. Not long now folks, stick with us!
Friday, 23 July 2010
After our last stop in Crossvile, Tennessee I've managed to destroy 3 more inner tubes, ruin another tyre, fall off my bike again and leave my UK mobile in a motel room. Despite all this we've made some good ground and should be on target to make NY on the 40th day. Currently we're making a strong start on the Appalachian Mountains and planning to follow them for another 200 miles or so, which is great seen as I love hills so bloody much. You may of guessed that the novelty of cycling accross a America wore thin a few hundred miles back but we've only got 6 days to push so I can probably make the last few miles without pushing Luke into oncoming traffic....Probably. The generosity of the natives still hasn't faltered, despite the warnings in the western states. Yesterday as we left Tennessee two guys stopped off to say hi and explained that they were fellow cyclists. Next thing we know they've shot off saying that they'll catch us up down the road to resupply us with kit. True to their word a few miles later they catch us up and donate 3 tryes, 2 inner tubes and some gatorade so thank you Mike and Ken.
Oh yeah, I got to give a dog a blast of CS pepper spray to the face yesterday morning. We often get chased by dogs especially at night but usually shouting at them or cycling away at speed is enough. These 3 weren't so lucky! The one that got the pepper spray stopped to try and scratch his face off while the other 2 decided it would be better to bite each other. Word must of got around as the dogs are keeping their distance now. Yeah!!
Oh yeah, I got to give a dog a blast of CS pepper spray to the face yesterday morning. We often get chased by dogs especially at night but usually shouting at them or cycling away at speed is enough. These 3 weren't so lucky! The one that got the pepper spray stopped to try and scratch his face off while the other 2 decided it would be better to bite each other. Word must of got around as the dogs are keeping their distance now. Yeah!!
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Early start my ass! Whilst Adam was hugging the sink, i was struggling to sit up in bed. At this point we decided to take a rain check and make a big day of it the following day. Despite the repercussions, It was a great night and the live music was incredible. We left Memphis at around 3am just in time to see kerb crawlers and gangsters eyeing up our bikes. It was a big day for us and we managed to get about 120miles down the road before the sun got the better of us. The following day we set off for Nashville, roughly 100 hundred miles away. On arriving it instantly drew us in, but due to our performance in Memphis we had made a pact not to drink for the remainder of the trip. So by 2pm we were sat at the bar with a bud in our hands. We managed to opull ourselves away and hit the road for another 20 miles until we reached Lebanon, last nights stop. Today has been a struggle and we have only made 90 miles. this is mainly down to the fact that my arse looks like a babboons and we have started climbing the hills as we approach the Appalachians Mountains. Speak to you soon
Friday, 16 July 2010
'You guys are from England? Then how come your English is so good?' - quote from waitress in some generic fast food place. At first I just politley smiled and laughed at what I assumed was a joke, then faced with a her blank questioning stare I realised she wasn't kidding, I continued to laugh but not so politely. I'm now down another 2 inner tubes and another tyre! The tyre was only 4 days old! Texarkana was prob the worst place we've been through yet, are motel turned out to be in a ghetto but was only 35 dollar so no complaints. After Texarkana we set off on the 1st leg of the state of Arkansa, we didn't get far before the heat an humidity got the better of us, only managing 60 miles due to a late start after replening on tyres and tubes (good job we did). We've made up some miles now though and have just arrived in Memphis where we plan on having one or two beers. 25 days into our trip and we have just made the 2000 mile point, its amazing we've got this far on a diet of fast food and power bars! Its entirely possible that I have suffered some kind of stroke as I've lost feeling in my right hand, must be all the burgers. Its not going to get any better though as bad food is so much cheaper and tonight I plan on washing back my burger with a shed load of beer before hitting the road again in the early hours. Nice!
Monday, 12 July 2010
Even though we headed off to Denton in the hope of reaching some bars and knocking back a few beers, unfortunately an all you can eat Chinesse buffet got in our way and sharpely put an end to our evening. Despite our slack efforts the night before we proceeded to spring out of bed at an early hour and head for Dallas. After only a few hours and 50 miles later we arrive at Guillaume's (family friend). Within minutes of arriving we had an intinary for the evening which consisted of Happy hour at the local, followed by a meal and then back into town to sapple Dallas's fine selection of cowgirls and real ales, to which both scored highly. As we had recieved an ace welcome and with another days activities planned we decided to stick around for some site seeing and a laze by the pool. It was now day 21 and Sandy (Guillaumes wife) woke us with the smell of a Full-English......good girl (You may be surprised to hear but i have put on half a stone). With our bellies full and a bag packed with snacks we motored on to Sulphur Springs, North East Texas. Still optimistic that i may be able to complete the whole trip on just 1 set of tyres and with no punctures, my dreams were suddenly shattered when my tyre split. With Karma on our side though we found ourselves outside of the Sulphur Springs Public Swimming Baths. The staff here welcomed us in with open arms and let us use the pool for free, whilst supplying us with a lifeguards whistle each, a pepperoni pizza to share and some super glue to fix my tyre. It was here where Ad's and i had an epiphany and decided to cycle through the night until sunrise, saving on the cost of a motel and making up on lost miles. Whilst this seemed like a good idea at the time and having managed 30 miles by 2am it was time to recharge our batteries with a quick 40 winks. 4 hours later in a dis-used business park, we woke to a romantic sunrise and curled up next to our new best friend Steve the turtle (not quite what we had in mind)! 10 hours and 70 odd miles later i'm sat here writing to you guys. Just to wrap up an evetful few days i would like to thank the lifeguards at Sulpfur Springs Swimming Baths, the random and very lovely man who bought us breakfast this morning, the man they call 'The Real Cowboy' who said a pray for us and our travels and finally our bodyguard Steve who watched over us and our bikes last night. Choi for now!
Thursday, 8 July 2010
On arriving in Graham we found ourselves almost immediately drawn to a bar (pretty much the first one we've seen worth visiting since California!), we'd not bothered to check into a motel and were attracting strange looks in our matching lycra. One beer proved not to be enough and we got chatting to a few of the locals, once again the generosity and hospitality here astounded us. On hearing what we are doing and the cause we are raising for we had our beers bought for us and one extremely generous guy called Monty even paid for our accommodation. Thanks again Monty if you're reading this. Despite having a few beers we managed to get on the road for about 5am and promptly set off going the wrong way, fortunately we only made it a mile down the road before realising. 30 miles later and we were in Jacksboro at the City Drug Store that is also a cafe and gift shop. After knocking back an excellent breakfast we were once again amazed (and very happy) at not having to pay, thanks to the Kathy and the lovely staff there. Another 60 miles later, lots of rain and many dead animals later (including a Rattle Snake, Armadillo and Buzzard) we made it to Denton. We have heard there may be a couple of note worthy bars here to, sooooo........
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Oh dear, Adam spoke too soon and at the start of day 17, 15 miles in he picked up yet another puncture. Today hasn't been the most entertaining of days but to spice things up the sun decided to pop out its head and as always it was joined by our nemesis "The head wind". We initially wanted to ride over 100 miles today but due to a late start and strong winds we have decided to call it a day in Graham (it's a place). On route we stopped in at the country cafe and grocery store in Throckmorton where the lovely employees there treated us to brunch.......Thank you guys! So almost halfway through our trip and we're feeling strong. We hope that from Dallas onwards we can provide you with plenty more road kill and strange happenings. Dallas here we come..........
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Ok, so I've only had one puncture since the last report, not bad for me! Roswell provided little more than a couple of free alien t-shirts that we cut up for use as chain rags so it was easy to leave it behind the following morning and head for Tatum. Unfortunately the ride was less than easy, lots of climbing, lots of headwinds and plenty of rain to wash it down. On arriving in Tatum we arrived at an over rated, over priced motel staffed by a scared adolesent who had to ring his mum (must of been the lycra). Deciding to see if we could do better we headed for the local store where Luke picked up some nourishing soya milk, yum. Luckilly we met up with the local Fire Chief who kindly let us stay in the fire station which was pretty cool and helped our budget out again. After Tatum we embarked on a similar journey without the hills. Flat, long straight roads with very little to look at (the standard since Roswell). Luckily there has been lots of interesting road kill to break up the journey and I've been able to entertain myself today by running over mating locusts, there will be no plague this year! Luke just took pictures of them (pervert!). Currently we're in Haskell and should make Dallas by Thursday, where hopefully we'll have a chance to have a few beers and I can get rid of my horrible looking beard!
Friday, 2 July 2010
So Day 12 started well when surprise, surprise Adam got yet another puncture, taking him to a gob-smacking total of 9. Only 2 miles into our 77mile trip it started to pour down and did so for the following 30 miles. Despite what might seem like a set back we actually made good time and averaged 15.5mph. On arrival into Roswell (UFO country....apparently) we hit up the International House Of Pancakes for yet another artery clogging, fat filled treat. To our delight we sat next to two enormous Americans who proceeded to complain about their ongoing battle with diabetes......not really surprised considering they ate Ad's and I under the table. Having spoken to a family friend we have now confirmed at least two nights accommodation in Dallas, which we hope will soften the blow that our wallets have received over the last few days (Apparently July 4th is big over here???). Adios groovers!
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Soooo, day 11 and about 900 miles in. So far I've gone through 8 inner tubes and 2 tires. Luke hasn't even had a puncture yet but he has fallen off three times and buckled his back wheel twice. Having left Miami (Arizona) we pedaled our way 90 miles to Show Low through an incredible landscape of mountains and canyons, which translates as lots of up hill. From Show Low it flattened out at about 6,000 ft and we had a fairly easy ride to Springerville and then on to Pie Town, a small place that was big on pies and big on hospitality. There we stayed in Hostel style place known as the Toaster house. This only cost us a small donation and massively helped our Budget (thanks Nita!), it was also well stocked with beer and food! Also staying was a Country and Western singer by the name of Jimmy Wayne who treated to a few awesome songs and guitar playing! Jimmy is walking from Nashville to Phoenix in aid of a charity helping homeless teens in the US. Hungover and tired we set off for Socorro where Luke achieved some impressive sunburn. Yesterday we left Socorro at 3am and speeded the 8 miles down the interstate to Route 380, sadly from then on we were working against a brutal head wind and it wasn't till 4pm that we made it to Carrizozo 80 miles away, it wasn't hot or particularly hilly but complete destroyed us! On the way the bicycle pump fell in half and was lost on the interstate so on arriving in Carrizozo we were desperately in need of some spares as I'd gone through all but one of the spare tubes and we now had no pump. Luckily a local guy called Gary was kind enough to drive us 30 miles to a Wall Mart, on the way he explained to us in detail his money making scheme selling wood, why Heroine is better than Crack, how his sunglasses helped him see at night and the best way to drive (between the lines apparently). Today we've had a short but steep ride to Capitan as a bit of recovery. You may of noticed that our journey is nothing like what we had previously talked about and we have ended up way further north. This means the trip has been and will be more hilly but also means it will be a couple of hundred miles shorter, less hot and with a few more opportunities to have a few beers! That's the latest abridged and censored news so far, next stop Roswell.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
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