Friday, 23 July 2010

After our last stop in Crossvile, Tennessee I've managed to destroy 3 more inner tubes, ruin another tyre, fall off my bike again and leave my UK mobile in a motel room. Despite all this we've made some good ground and should be on target to make NY on the 40th day. Currently we're making a strong start on the Appalachian Mountains and planning to follow them for another 200 miles or so, which is great seen as I love hills so bloody much. You may of guessed that the novelty of cycling accross a America wore thin a few hundred miles back but we've only got 6 days to push so I can probably make the last few miles without pushing Luke into oncoming traffic....Probably. The generosity of the natives still hasn't faltered, despite the warnings in the western states. Yesterday as we left Tennessee two guys stopped off to say hi and explained that they were fellow cyclists. Next thing we know they've shot off saying that they'll catch us up down the road to resupply us with kit. True to their word a few miles later they catch us up and donate 3 tryes, 2 inner tubes and some gatorade so thank you Mike and Ken.

Oh yeah, I got to give a dog a blast of CS pepper spray to the face yesterday morning. We often get chased by dogs especially at night but usually shouting at them or cycling away at speed is enough. These 3 weren't so lucky! The one that got the pepper spray stopped to try and scratch his face off while the other 2 decided it would be better to bite each other. Word must of got around as the dogs are keeping their distance now. Yeah!!

1 comment:

  1. Great to meet you guys! Safe travels, and come back to the mountains of Tennessee soon! I will be keeping up with you guys via the blogosphere!

