Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Ok, so I've only had one puncture since the last report, not bad for me! Roswell provided little more than a couple of free alien t-shirts that we cut up for use as chain rags so it was easy to leave it behind the following morning and head for Tatum. Unfortunately the ride was less than easy, lots of climbing, lots of headwinds and plenty of rain to wash it down. On arriving in Tatum we arrived at an over rated, over priced motel staffed by a scared adolesent who had to ring his mum (must of been the lycra). Deciding to see if we could do better we headed for the local store where Luke picked up some nourishing soya milk, yum. Luckilly we met up with the local Fire Chief who kindly let us stay in the fire station which was pretty cool and helped our budget out again. After Tatum we embarked on a similar journey without the hills. Flat, long straight roads with very little to look at (the standard since Roswell). Luckily there has been lots of interesting road kill to break up the journey and I've been able to entertain myself today by running over mating locusts, there will be no plague this year! Luke just took pictures of them (pervert!). Currently we're in Haskell and should make Dallas by Thursday, where hopefully we'll have a chance to have a few beers and I can get rid of my horrible looking beard!

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